Awaiting FDA regulation and research of CBD, there are only a few studies to determine what benefits and side effects can be attributed to CBD or not. While we list the possible side effects, understand this is what we know so far and the effects may vary by person.
What are the possible side effects of CBD?
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, and Harvard Health Publishing, the side effects of CBD are as follow:
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Diarrhea
- Change in appetite
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Liver failure
- Cotton mouth/dry mouth
It’s important to keep in mind that the most extreme side effects are usually experienced when taking CBD in high doses or doses that are simply too high for you. Reactions also depend on individuals and how each person metabolizes CBD, methods of absorption, and different CBD strengths. After experiencing minor undesirable effects, trying another form of CBD (gummy, oil, capsules…), might get you better results.
Until we know more about the effects of CBD and proper dosage, CBD can only be taken as a supplement and shouldn’t be used to replace any kind of medication.
What about CBD and medication?
The first thing you should do before starting taking CBD is to discuss it with a doctor. CBD can be counter-indicated for some conditions, it can interact with some medications.
If you are experiencing any of the effects listed above, or other undesirable effects, stop taking CBD immediately. You do not want to drag the effects out, and it will help you determine whether or not CBD is causing you harm.
If you are experiencing any more extreme effects, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
How should you approach CBD?
While making a change in your regimen, it is always important to focus on why. Make sure to be on top of the latest research. Furthermore, make sure the type of CBD you are thinking of taking is recommended for you.
We will repeat it again and again but talk to a doctor about how CBD might help you.
Start slow, which should be easy, as there is a wide range of low strength forms and types of CBD available. This will best help you gauge what works for you. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else!